View Full Version : how many women here , love seeing their man being fucked by another man ?

Mar 31, 2020, 11:02 AM
my wife knows i have sex with men , but she doesn't want to see it . i don't get it , because i love seeing her with women , or men for that matter .

Mar 31, 2020, 1:07 PM
Not all married men are out to their wife of knowing they are into m2m action

Mar 31, 2020, 2:56 PM
For some women, just knowing this is difficult enough... but to see it? Way too much information; I think their self-esteem takes a huge hit to, one, see their man having a fun good time having sex with another guy and maybe even - or probably - thinking that she's not - and wasn't - enough for him. Some women will give their man permission to do his thing with guys... as long as he never says anything about it. In open situations, some of us learn to be able to watch our partner having sex with someone else and be very happy for them but it's not always a given that our partner is gonna feel the same way and in this, she might be "happy" to see you engaged with another woman... but a man? Oh, hell, no! You'd think this particular sense of happiness would be a shared one, huh?

Mar 31, 2020, 3:22 PM
“Do what you want, but I don’t want to hear / see / know about it.”

That is a very common attitude for women and men.
And it seems to work well for people who rigidly compartmentalize their emotional processes. Some can do it for years.

My lovely wife and I are very fortunate, not jealous or sexually insecure.
We have never been sexually exclusive, more like inclusive.
And yes, we do enjoy seeing each other play, which includes me bottoming.

Apr 1, 2020, 11:38 AM

This was the first time my wife got to see me top a man. She took the pics and got so turned on it inspired her to get a strap on.

Apr 1, 2020, 7:03 PM
Thats the attitude my wife takes.....she didn't want a discussion about it..'just do it if you have to but I don't want to know' She certainly didn't want to watch that would be
too much reality.
We fuck very seldom and she doesn't miss it at all and never instigates it. I however have now gotten more and more into sex with men. At this point I'd much rather suck cock than fuck her.
I keep hoping to find someone close by to hookup with a few times a month. But sometimes I go month without some good dick!!

“Do what you want, but I don’t want to hear / see / know about it.”

That is a very common attitude for women and men.
And it seems to work well for people who rigidly compartmentalize their emotional processes. Some can do it for years.

My lovely wife and I are very fortunate, not jealous or sexually insecure.
We have never been sexually exclusive, more like inclusive.
And yes, we do enjoy seeing each other play, which includes me bottoming.

Apr 1, 2020, 7:33 PM

This was the first time my wife got to see me top a man. She took the pics and got so turned on it inspired her to get a strap on.

That's HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 2, 2020, 7:01 AM
My wife likes it but still wants to be in charge. Tells him how deep to fuck me how hard etc. I love it. Trying to talk her into dp

Apr 2, 2020, 11:00 AM
My side chick loves to watch me blow another guy and also likes to watch another guy blow me. On several occasions I took a break from giving a guy some head and she jumped at the chance to start sucking him herself. She always let me finish and liked to have me snowball the cum load to her mouth.

Apr 10, 2020, 11:10 AM
I’m trying to talk my significant other to try it, find another guy to fuck us both... harder than I thought

Apr 10, 2020, 12:47 PM

This was the first time my wife got to see me top a man. She took the pics and got so turned on it inspired her to get a strap on.

Wow!! You are one lucky guy!! As is the guy getting fucked by you!! I want it sooo bad!!

Apr 10, 2020, 1:49 PM
I think you just won the internet. Game over, man.

Apr 10, 2020, 2:37 PM
I’m trying to talk my significant other to try it, find another guy to fuck us both... harder than I thought
You are lucky - at least you were able to bring it up - If my better half knew about it - that would be the end of our marriage. I don't want to label her as "conservative" - it's just the way she was brought up.

Apr 14, 2020, 1:27 AM
my wife knows i have sex with men , but she doesn't want to see it . i don't get it , because i love seeing her with women , or men for that matter .

I do not get it either. I have dozens of friends like myself who love to see the sex. For us it is, “There is No Way you are having sex without me.” We want to be there, be a part of it, at least see it and possibly masturbate to it. I mean come on, everyone should be a part of it in some manner. One of my neighbors loves to come over with her husband and watch us play anally with one of our couples. They make it through all the play time until my husband takes the real deal. They are so turned on they go home for sex immediately staring the entire time they walk out hand in hand. We have threesomes but mostly foursomes or fivesomes. I understand it can happen that one of a couple cannot make it

Apr 15, 2020, 11:23 AM

This was the first time my wife got to see me top a man. She took the pics and got so turned on it inspired her to get a strap on.

Very, very nice!
Lucky you ... and her. :-)

Apr 15, 2020, 11:34 PM
My wife knows and encourages it. I've been honest with her and she knows I'd rather suck cock than any other sex. She's watched taken photos even jacked cum into my mouth. We've decided to find guys for her to fuck and guys for me to suck.

Apr 16, 2020, 1:35 AM
dickneeder - Just please do not loose that connection. We need that connection. Better to do it all in the same room then loose the connection. Also personally I think it is very hot to have it all go down i at the same time in the same room. I mean we are not trying to be all romantic here, just wanting the sex.

Apr 17, 2020, 9:51 AM
dickneeder - Just please do not loose that connection. We need that connection. Better to do it all in the same room then loose the connection. Also personally I think it is very hot to have it all go down i at the same time in the same room. I mean we are not trying to be all romantic here, just wanting the sex.

Wife and I agree completely. We usually see bottom men so we can both enjoy him and love to see each other in action. If the other guy does anything that really works for her well then I get lessons. Everyone wins!

Apr 17, 2020, 1:37 PM
I do agree for some women, just knowing this is difficult enough! Often they believe that their self-esteem often takes a huge hit, just by thinking that she is not and was not, good enough for him and she also has concerns about someone else, discovering about it! Some women will give their man, permission to do his thing, as long as he never says anything to her about it. That is a common attitude, for both some women and men.

I my situation, my wife and I had a very normal and active sexual life together, with each other. When we first had gotten married, we both openly shared, with other, our life as children growing up. During one discussion, I once shared with her, was that when I was, a very young teen, I was sexually molested, by an older man and she ask me, if I was hurt and I said no, at the time, it was very embarrassing, but again at my young age, it was also, a learning experience at that time. Then she ask me all about, so I had shared all the details. At the time, she was curious and then ask, if I had ever had any thoughts of ever, having sex with another male and I told her, that I really did not like, being taken advantage of! No that is not, what I am asking she said, I understand you were tricked into it, but would you be willing to have sex with another man again on your own terms? I then responded that. no since you, do take care of all, my sexual needs. I do believe that I have been very fortunate, that she was not the jealous type and nor was she was sexually insecure, in our relationship. Maybe she was a bit more conservative, at times, since we had 4 daughters, but we were both very happy together, that was until we both, discovered that she had Cancer.

She had fought hard, but after 3 years, she had lost the battle and passed. Now my new life, had dramatic changed, with her death. Luckily for me, all our daughters, were now married and had their own families. I now found myself all alone. Looking back, prior to her death, she had once told me, to get out of the house and go out and have some fun, find some friends. I was not sure, just what she was telling me to do. I responded back and I had told her, that she was my life and it was my place, by her side. She then responded back to me, but I am not able to satisfy your, sexual needs and I want you to find someone, to help you with that, since physically, I am not able to. I told her that I would never find another woman like her and I have no interest in meeting or having any type of relationship with another woman. She then asked me again, if I had ever thought or considered, having sex with another male again, since she knew that I did not want to have sex with another woman, she said that maybe, it is a good time to consider having sex, with another guy! So here it is after many years, have passed, I do now enjoy most sex with another man and it was, with her blessing!

Apr 17, 2020, 10:44 PM
That is wonderful Fred! Very happy for you.

Apr 18, 2020, 7:41 PM
My wife is taken by the idea now, she says the thought of it makes her hot. But until recently that was not even mentionable let alone planable. We have recently had a change of view.
So in summary, me with another guy while she is there makes her hot but it took alot of honesty and some damaged trust to get there. And her response to

, she might be "happy" to see you engaged with another woman... but a man? Oh, hell, no!

is with another man, fine. But another woman OH Hell No!