View Full Version : Worried about first time.

Dec 18, 2019, 12:44 PM
ive been straight all my life although I jerk off to men often, over the past few years. I’ve found that the urge is becoming stronger as I get older and I feel like I want to explore my bi side but I’m also afraid I’ll cross that bridge and may not go back. I’ve been told online that this happens. Should I follow the path or just carry on without the knowledge of the pleasure this side could give me? Advice would be great. Thanks. I love women but as you all know, it’s harder to hook up and the urge for cock just gets me so hard and cum a lot harder nowadays.

Dec 18, 2019, 12:49 PM
Just try it. Roll with it. Be happy. Don't overthink it

Dec 18, 2019, 1:40 PM
Yeah, don't overthink it. A lot of guys give it a try and find it not to their liking, not as they may have thought or hoped - pretty normal. Some guys try it and, oh, yeah - this is the shit! and they're off and running with it but they also learn that just because you can do it doesn't mean you always have to. Some guys try it, have big fun with it, then walk away from it and "go back" to being straight. And, yes, some guys are happy just to be bisexual inside their head and never actually do anything.

Don't worry about something that you can't possibly know is going to happen; I'm thinking if you can see the future, we should get together and buy lots of lottery tickets...

Dec 18, 2019, 2:26 PM
If you try it and like it, then you are either gay or bisexual and if so, so what? If you don't like it, you won't do it again. What is the harm in exploring and knowing and doing what you like?

Dec 18, 2019, 3:19 PM
I saw elsewhere on this site a similar response to this...if you are considering and do enjoy bi sex you will like a lot of us run the chance of becoming quite addicted...for me, it has not changed me one bit how strongly I feel aroused or into women, but the chance to suck and swallow a nice load is always on my mind now also...has just been an add on to my sexual prefernces not an exclusion of anything else.

Dec 18, 2019, 3:27 PM
ive been straight all my life although I jerk off to men often, over the past few years. I’ve found that the urge is becoming stronger as I get older and I feel like I want to explore my bi side but I’m also afraid I’ll cross that bridge and may not go back. I’ve been told online that this happens. Should I follow the path or just carry on without the knowledge of the pleasure this side could give me? Advice would be great. Thanks. I love women but as you all know, it’s harder to hook up and the urge for cock just gets me so hard and cum a lot harder nowadays.
i don't understand , your bio says that you are a male couple , and yet you are struggling with being bi. what's the story here, are you a gay couple or what ?

Dec 18, 2019, 5:33 PM
Im happily married for over 15 years. Awesome relationship. Awesome "regular life" Theres no secrets. She knows what I like and do on the side and has known since day 1.

Im married. I live a "straight" life. And as a hobby i like to give blowjobs to other guys. I dont know why I like it. But I do. So thats something thats added to my life. It didnt replace anything.

Some may disagree with my view, but in my opinion, if your wife wouldnt be cool with it like mine is.....Then just do like 90% of the guys that I meet up with do. Keep it a discreet thing. Most all of the guys I meet regularly are married or in straight relationships where their partner has no idea. I personally have no issue with that. You have a desire that wont magically go away. Its something that is going to bother you and create tension unless you act on it. You can find yourself resenting your spouse because "If it werent for her, or if you werent married, you could do this"

If you want to do it. Do it. The only people that will know about it are who you choose to tell.

Dec 19, 2019, 1:18 PM
Yeah sorry about the misleading bio. It seemed to automatically make me married and gay for some reason and because I rarely come on here I use my phone and this site is too much hassle for a technophobe such as I, to work out how to change it. Plus, I don’t really care too much y’know?��

Dec 19, 2019, 3:42 PM
meats , thanks for clearing that up .

Dec 19, 2019, 4:18 PM
I remember well the first time I took my friend in my mouth. I had no intention of sucking him although I was eager for him to suck me, also if he would have given me the I’ll do you if you do me I would definitely have done it. We hadn’t been together like that since we were 13 and jerking each other off. I used to wish then he would do it and I would have reciprocated but didn’t have any desire to suck him.
when we got together at 18 his bigger dick just triggered something in me and I went down on him first. As I was sucking him I remember thinking I could not believe how much I liked it, more than getting sucked.

Dec 20, 2019, 1:06 PM
Should I follow the path or just carry on without the knowledge of the pleasure this side could give me?Were I in that situation, I would consider the fact that it will someday be too late to answer this question. Life's too short...

One thing to bear in mind: If you're a decent person, you will still be a decent person after you've sucked a cock. Of course, if you're an asshole, that probably won't change, either.

I think one of the previous reply cautioned you not to overthink this. That's good advice.

Good luck!

Dec 31, 2019, 5:34 PM
Hummmmm . . . . . Who was it that once said;

"You always miss 100% of the shots you don't take"

Dec 31, 2019, 5:46 PM
When I took my first "dive" I was lucky to find someone that was married and only been with a guy a couple of times. When I told him this would be my first time, he said it wouldn't seem like a big deal afterward. Turned out he was spot on. I went on still loving women.

Jan 1, 2020, 5:29 AM
just relax and let nature take its course that is what i did and now i am a cock and cum slut/whore and i love it oh and i am a male

Jan 1, 2020, 5:44 PM
Married 30 years. I love sex with my wife. But... I so want cock now!

Jan 1, 2020, 9:36 PM
Go for it!

new day
Jan 2, 2020, 8:37 AM
Think of these feelings as an evolution in your sexuality. I believe for most of us, we expand our sexual likes as we get older. This happened with me and women as I moved from my teens to twenties and thirties. I learned about female sexuality and fantasies from the women in my past. After getting married, I expanded my sexual experiences with a woman because I felt safe and able to explore fantasies each of us had. Around the age of forty I started having thoughts about what it would be like to do things with a man. It was a long road from the first thoughts to actually acting on them. If you are primarily straight, I believe that's the way you will remain. What you may do is add a new component to your sex life if you explore sex with a man. While bi play is definitely enjoyable for me, it's a small part of my sexuality. I like to enjoy the different experiences I can have with a man, but it hasn't caused a shift in my sexuality with a woman. This isn't a change, so much as an addition.

Jan 2, 2020, 1:05 PM
Meet a mature gay/bi guy, tell him you want a safe, sane first experience.
Don’t be fussy about looks. Look for someone honest and relaxed. Not sketchy.
Good luck.

Jan 2, 2020, 1:19 PM
ive been straight all my life although I jerk off to men often, over the past few years. I’ve found that the urge is becoming stronger as I get older and I feel like I want to explore my bi side but I’m also afraid I’ll cross that bridge and may not go back. I’ve been told online that this happens. Should I follow the path or just carry on without the knowledge of the pleasure this side could give me? Advice would be great. Thanks. I love women but as you all know, it’s harder to hook up and the urge for cock just gets me so hard and cum a lot harder nowadays.

I hear you on this. I feel the same way. Worried about catching something and about how I'll feel after trying it as well.

Jan 2, 2020, 6:25 PM
I would say to explore your Sexuality, don't have any regrets in your life!

Jan 2, 2020, 7:06 PM
I know what you mean about "crossing the bridge"... people say, be careful what you wish for, as if bisexuality is like some kind of magic spell... Personally, I've been exploring my sexuality for over 20 years, with wonderful men and women alike, and I'm still crazy in love with women, more than ever. Never found that bridge to cross myself ;-) -- just embracing more of my true passions.

Jan 5, 2020, 3:24 PM
Lots of great advice on this thread. Life is quickly passing by so I too need to act upon my desire to suck someone's cock. I do wish however that the opportunity could just be thrust in my face as getting the opportunity seems elusive. Perhaps I need to keep my hand in my pocket with my thumb out ;-0

Jan 5, 2020, 4:03 PM
I've been thinking about trying it for quite some time now. Finally have a 'pen pal'/guy I email back and forth with that I think is the one. It's a nerve racking process to get there it seems but I know that if I don't try it I'll regret it for the rest of my life. And the older I get the more I 'crave' it it seems.

Jan 5, 2020, 4:11 PM
Lots of great advice on this thread. Life is quickly passing by so I too need to act upon my desire to suck someone's cock. I do wish however that the opportunity could just be thrust in my face as getting the opportunity seems elusive. Perhaps I need to keep my hand in my pocket with my thumb out ;-0

I am constantly looking for guys to hook up with and I keep hearing the same thing constantly, from guys, weather they're experienced, or looking for their first time. The truth of the matter is, these guys, especially the "newbie's are just not prepared to go through with it, if and when the opportunity presents itself. I'm making contact all the time, trying to hook up, but the minute I put the offer out there, up pops the baggage and issues. You have to be prepared to to accept an offer, providing you "click" with the other guy. You need to get all your ducks in a row, so that you can meet someone.
A lot of guys just sit back and wait for the opportunity to come to them. If you want it bad enough, start looking for it I live in a very small town in the Sierra Foot Hills and I get plenty of offers, most of which I turn down, cause they're just not my type, or they live a little too close to home. Truth be known, you could write a book on this subject, a fool-proof guide on how to have your first bi experience. But if you ain't ready, chances are it ain't gonna happen.
In each of the past three years, I have tried to get a bi-male meet and greet going in one of the larger cities about an hour away. Each time there were a dozen or so guys that were "interested" but only a couple actually showed up. Stop and think about this, hotel meet & greet, what a perfect opportunity for any guy looking for his first time.

Jan 6, 2020, 1:40 AM
ive been straight all my life although I jerk off to men often, over the past few years. I’ve found that the urge is becoming stronger as I get older and I feel like I want to explore my bi side but I’m also afraid I’ll cross that bridge and may not go back. I’ve been told online that this happens. Should I follow the path or just carry on without the knowledge of the pleasure this side could give me? Advice would be great. Thanks. I love women but as you all know, it’s harder to hook up and the urge for cock just gets me so hard and cum a lot harder nowadays.
I think everyone is unique, so your sexuality is unique to you as well. I also think there is often a difference between fantasy and reality, and between what turns you on in porn and what turns you on in real life when you're naked with someone. Many people fantasize about various things, sexual or otherwise, and when they try to fulfill their fantasy, reality sometimes does not live up to what was in their head. But sometimes it's even better than you imagined. You never know unless you try. Of course no one has to indulge in their fantasy for real. But if the desire is there and is getting stronger, and you really want to find out what sex with a man is like in real life, then I think it's a good idea to try.

My own experiences of course are unique to me, and I think in the details I'm very strange, but perhaps it will give you some insight into the journey. So I'll tell you my story.

I'm a single, never married, 57 year old bisexual man. Girls and women have been rejecting me my whole life. I had one date at 16, with just a quick goodbye kiss, and then, despite asking many girls out, nothing until 27, when as a virgin I met and fell in love with my first girlfriend. When she broke up with me 3 years later, I was a mess! Within a couple months I turned to fantasies about guys, perhaps as a distraction from the pain, perhaps from an underlying bisexuality that was always there unconsciously. I started indulging in a growing amount of gay porn, and eventually intense gay lust drove me out to all kinds of gay sex venues for anonymous oral sex with men. I still dated women, but they still rejected me, without even a single make out session, let alone sex or love. Every disappointment with a woman always intensified the gay porn until it drove me out again looking for more sex with guys.

The problem I was having with all this gay sex was that in my fantasies and porn watching, my desires were out of this world, and I just loved everything about man to man sex, and even fantasized about having a boyfriend or husband. But whenever I got naked with another real guy, I lost that passionate desire. But I always still performed the sex act. And it was always only oral. I never had any anal feelings when I was with a real guy, despite loving it all in my fantasies and porn. But at home the gay desire always came rushing back, driving me out again eventually for sex with men to fulfil those desires. But there were a few exceptions, just a handful, where I had a lot of passionate desire for the guy that I was naked with. So I kept going out looking to repeat those kinds of encounters. But mostly I was always disappointed. So I considered myself bi-confused for those two decades.

But in 2013 I saw this really cute twink in a bathhouse that I was super attracted to, especially his ass. OMG, did he ever have a cute ass, and a delicious body. I went so crazy rimming his ass for over an hour, with passion like I had never had with another human being, and I finally lost my gay virginity as a top with him when I fucked him hard in his ass with a condom.

That encounter changed my life. I WAS BISEXUAL! I was definitely bisexual, loving having sex with another man. I felt so free accepting my bisexuality, and determined to stop hiding it behind anonymous sex with men. I started getting together with real guys through hook-up sites, having sex with them in each other's homes, getting to know them a little bit, even going on dinner dates, and even seeing this one guy who I really liked a bunch of times. I still didn't have romantic feelings for any man like I had in my fantasies, but the sexual passion was definitely there.

Then I met my second girlfriend, had a couple dates with her, started having sex, and fell in love. But it was a very tumultuous 3-year relationship, with many break-ups. During every break I was back to the gay porn and fantasies, though I didn't hook up with any guy. We just broke up again two weeks ago, for good (I did the breaking up just before Christmas).

So I have come to this forum, I guess to indulge in my gay fantasies, read about others' experiences, talk about my experiences, talk about what I like about cock and ass, talk about my fantasies and hopes, and discuss sexuality and figure myself out, and maybe help others as well. I know sometime in the coming weeks or months I probably will go back to trying sex again with men, and looking for a stronger connection with another guy. I fantasize about having a fuck buddy. I also fantasize about bottoming for a guy for the first time. That's a very strong desire within me--at least in my head, lol. It just has to be the right guy.

But nothing can answer the questions for anyone unless they try. The only time I would discourage it is if they were in a committed relationship, but it sounds like you are not? When you have a partner and you have sex with someone else, I believe it only leads to suffering in the end, for both you and them. So it's better to just keep it at the fantasy level. But if you're single, then you might consider using a hook up or dating site to find a local guy to get naked with and give it a try. You could try the anonymous route in the cruising or sex venue world (a park, bathhouse, etc.), but from my experience as you've read, that might leave you confused, though for most people it doesn't. For me anyway, having an actual deeper connection with the man I'm having sex with, at the very least knowing his name and some of his personal background and experiences, makes a difference.

Good luck and all the best,

Jan 6, 2020, 5:47 AM
I'm another one that's trying to get the first one down...lol... Thanks for the great advice and support everyone seems to give out... Speaking for myself...It took a few times with a female before I thought I was good enough for her or doing it right... So.. I think finding the right person and trying it more than once...might work for me...

Jan 6, 2020, 5:56 AM
I don't know what advise to give, but after I sucked my first cock in my late sixties, it's been very hard to stop...not that I want to stop.

Jan 6, 2020, 7:46 AM
I'm with you William... Don't know why... Just want to suck cock.

Jan 6, 2020, 8:28 AM
So I have come to this forum, I guess to indulge in my gay fantasies, read about others' experiences, talk about my experiences, talk about what I like about cock and ass, talk about my fantasies and hopes, and discuss sexuality and figure myself out, and maybe help others as well. I know sometime in the coming weeks or months I probably will go back to trying sex again with men, and looking for a stronger connection with another guy. I fantasize about having a fuck buddy. I also fantasize about bottoming for a guy for the first time. That's a very strong desire within me--at least in my head, lol. It just has to be the right guy.

Welcome to the forum, Jack. I read your story with interest, and -- although I don't have any specific comments to add -- I just wanted to acknowledge the time and effort you put into its composition. It's very well-written, which I find refreshing.

And, despite its length, it's still quite readable because of your use of paragraph breaks. Even the hottest stories are often difficult to wade through when they're a monolithic block of text. No TL/DR from me on this one!

Jan 6, 2020, 10:35 AM
And, despite its length, it's still quite readable because of your use of paragraph breaks.

Tip of the hat to someone else who appreciates the small things in life. I can't tell you how many posts I've skipped because they were a wall of text without periods, much less paragraph breaks.

Jan 6, 2020, 3:20 PM
Thank for that lengthy reply Jack. It was uber thoughtful and interesting. You’ve really helped here. You’re a star! ��

Jan 6, 2020, 9:49 PM
I remember having similar anxieties before my first bi experience, which occurred in the context of a threesome with a younger couple across town. It changed me only to the extent that I discovered a new and very enjoyable side of my sexual self. I was surprised by my lack of inhibition once things got started and by my eagerness to act on fantasies I didn’t even know I had. It all happened very spontaneously and I’m sure it will be the same for you. Just let it happen.

As for not going back; I wouldn’t want to go back to what I was before embracing my bi side. I still enjoy being with women sexually, but wouldn’t dream of avoiding sexual experiences with select male partners. All in all, my bisexual explorations have been a freeing voyage of self discovery and have widened my sexual horizons!

Jan 7, 2020, 8:18 AM
I can't tell you how many posts I've skipped because they were a wall of text without periods, Frustrating getting into a post with a lot of really interesting content, and then getting lost in the middle because of this. Worst are the ones with almost no punctuation and little capitalization!

Jan 8, 2020, 4:47 AM
Welcome to the forum, Jack. I read your story with interest, and -- although I don't have any specific comments to add -- I just wanted to acknowledge the time and effort you put into its composition. It's very well-written, which I find refreshing.

And, despite its length, it's still quite readable because of your use of paragraph breaks. Even the hottest stories are often difficult to wade through when they're a monolithic block of text. No TL/DR from me on this one!
Thank you, SilkyHoseLover. I appreciate you're welcoming me and your kind comments. It was my pleasure to offer my two cents. I believe in value for money 😉.

Thank for that lengthy reply Jack. It was uber thoughtful and interesting. You’ve really helped here. You’re a star! 😉
You are welcome, Meats. It was my pleasure!

All the best,

Jan 8, 2020, 5:03 AM
...And, despite its length, it's still quite readable because of your use of paragraph breaks. Even the hottest stories are often difficult to wade through when they're a monolithic block of text. No TL/DR from me on this one!

Tip of the hat to someone else who appreciates the small things in life. I can't tell you how many posts I've skipped because they were a wall of text without periods, much less paragraph breaks.

Frustrating getting into a post with a lot of really interesting content, and then getting lost in the middle because of this. Worst are the ones with almost no punctuation and little capitalization!
Thank you, xdoorb. Same here! I believe that's why we have grammar: it's not just rules for little old lady English teachers. It's to help all of us read each other's writing more easily. Sometimes I wonder whether those walls of text without periods, or even commas, are made by people just voice dictating into their phone or tablet--that it is just a spoken thought stream--and they don't know about or are just too lazy to apply the feature where dictation software allows you to say "period", "comma", "new line new line", etc. Without the "period", there is also then no automatic capitalization, right SilkyHoseLover? 😉 In fact, I am so used to dictating, that when I leave a voicemail message, sometimes I say "period" and "comma", LOL. All the best, Jack

Jan 8, 2020, 5:15 PM
The first time is bound to be a bit awkward. As others mentioned, don't over-think it. Seize the opportunity. If you don't like it just don't go back.