View Full Version : Sucking a dick.... a Question.

Aug 11, 2019, 7:24 AM
This question has been asked and rehashed more times than one can count, but still I'll take the liberty to ask.

Can One contract STD/HIV when sucking a dick. Now don't get me wrong - many people have a steady partner, and sucking their dick and (swallowing) is fine - because the guy getting sucked is healthy. So far, I have sucked only once (a guy from Dubai). I sucked him, deep throated him for 20 plus minutes, and yet he didn't cum but he enjoyed the time with me .

I felt he was healthy and I was right - my tests came negative.

The rare guy who writes to me wants his dick sucked as part of sex - and I am all for it - I love to please my partner, but don't want to end up with a bug. I read somewhere that while it is low risk - oral sex is not 100 % safe.

What do you think?

Aug 11, 2019, 9:11 AM
just make sure he is clean you should be just fine

Aug 11, 2019, 12:24 PM
Giving oral is very low risk as long as you don't have wounds in your mouth.

Aug 11, 2019, 3:37 PM
There is always a risk any time bodily fluids are being exchanged. The risk is certainly lower with oral sex than anal, but there is still some. As others have mentioned, that risk increases if you have open cuts/wounds in your mouth or bleeding gums.

Christopher South
Aug 11, 2019, 4:33 PM
Contracting HIV/AIDS from oral is rare. However there are other STD's that you can get. Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and herpes are just a few.

Go here to learn more:


Aug 12, 2019, 12:24 AM
Deep throating can cause abrasions to the throat so if he has a bug it can be passed to you. If you play the field regularly with different people and do not KNOW their HIV status, accept the fact you are taking risks or modify the behavior. There are people here who bareback strangers and those that will not have oral at all with anyone without a condom. You need to decide your comfort level with risk and accept things if they go badly and you pick something up. My personal level of comfort with risk is less than many.

Aug 12, 2019, 12:52 AM
At the risk of sounding like a party pooper; you know, you could use a condom. It’s not just for STD, it’s also for your state of mind. It beats the stress you will be under with the not knowing.

Aug 12, 2019, 1:58 AM
they do make flavored condoms...

Aug 12, 2019, 11:35 AM
There's always risk of STD's when the partner is unknown to you.

Oral isn't something that should occur between strangers at all.

Aug 12, 2019, 3:22 PM
You can wind up with some interesting stuff sucking dick and whether it's "on the fly" or with someone you've been sucking for years and it's all tied to how healthy your mouth is. The current thinking says that unless the HIV virus can get access to your blood stream, the chances of contracting it are lower; what makes contracting it via penetrative sex a greater risk is how certain parts of your body - like your rectum - can absorb stuff and is usually rich with blood. Abrasions, scrapes, cuts are an access point to your blood and with your mouth, cavities and gum disease can give bad stuff a bad place to take hold. If you brush your teeth and your gums bleed, even a little, seeing a dentist becomes very important if you suck cock or even eat pussy.

Also depends on how robust your immune system is and some other science shit. For instance, a cold sore; if you get one, that's the herpes simplex virus inside of all of us (and don't ask me how it got there) waking up and because of the environment the virus can be active in, you don't really have to catch a cold to get one - you can get one sucking a dick or eating pussy because the pH level of your lips - in this case - gets changed; it dries your lips out and creates the perfect environment for the virus to wake up and now you're busy trying to make the cold sore go away. Some people get cold sores a lot... some people don't so easily - and that's the simplest example I can provide with this topic.

I read somewhere that the CDC learned that depending on the health of your mouth, you stand less of a chance of contracting HIV orally and the reason why is saliva; it does more than just keep your mouth wet and moist - but that's another science lesson y'all don't want to be bored with. That doesn't mean that you can't wind up with a mouthful of chlymidia or one of the other nasty things but, again, it depends on how healthy your mouth really is. We assume that giving a stranger a blow job is highly and dangerously risky and there's some truth to this but only because you don't know where his dick has been... but you could easily wind up with a cold sore or even a sore throat sucking a guy you're very familiar with; again, it's a science lesson that would bore you to death - but one that's important to be aware of. One last thing. In order to catch HIV from someone, that person would have had to be exposed to it in some way and it's been proven that sex isn't the only way to contract the virus; otherwise, what are they saying? That this virus - and like the herpes simplex virus - exists in everyone and it's just waiting to wake up and if you suck a guy's dick and swallow his sperm, that's the wakeup call?

But if that's as true as it might sound, um, why haven't long-time partners infected and reinfected each other? I've sucked a lot of dick in my life and the worst thing I've ever experienced was a cold sore and, um, sometimes a case of diarrhea but no worries - I know the science involved and all because I had reason to ask why, when I suck this guy's dick - and a guy I've been regularly sucking - I swallow his stuff and get the runs? Another science lesson you probably ain't interested in. So lots of strange and familiar dicks... no infections other than an occasional cold sore but I've gotten them eating my wife's pussy at times.

It's a real concern - make no mistake about this but it's about being smart about it as well as making sure that you really are healthy enough to have sex - have that routine doctor visit; get those routine lab workups that can tell a doctor how robust your immune system is or isn't; if you have issues in your mouth like bleeding or receding gums, suffer from a chronically dry mouth (not a good thing) see a dentist about that. And, most important, if you have any doubts whatsoever about the guy who wants you to suck him off, either don't do it or put a condom on that thang and don't take "I don't like condoms" as an answer.

Aug 12, 2019, 10:16 PM
they do make flavored condoms...
But, I am only able to enjoy dick flavored dicks when I suck dick.
Maybe those flavored condoms go better with ice cream.

Aug 12, 2019, 10:48 PM
At the risk of sounding like a party pooper; you know, you could use a condom. It’s not just for STD, it’s also for your state of mind. It beats the stress you will be under with the not knowing.
I believe it is better to learn to be comfortable taking chances if you want to have enjoyment and accomplishmets be the define factors of your life. That does not mean that you need to be willing to do totally stupid things. Rather, be willing (and comfortable) engaging in activities that have risk but enable you to attain your goals and get you what you REALLY NEED!!
I have had setbacks living my live taking risks, but the benefits of taking risks have been very rewarding for me.

Aug 13, 2019, 12:43 AM
As long as they smell snd look clean and you something about them, i just suck away.