View Full Version : Advice on Becoming a Full-Time Cocksucker

Nov 28, 2018, 2:43 PM
Has any cocksucker here gone from living the life of a “normal” straight man (married or not to a woman) to becoming a full-time cocksucker, or a completely out of the closet cocksucker? I’m married to a woman. However, sucking dick has honestly become my favorite sexual activity by far. I’m not interested in anal sex at all. I’m strictly a cocksucker cum slut with men. I’m not straight. I’m not gay or even bi-sexual. For people like me I think being a genuine male cocksucker is it’s own separate sexuality in many ways. Some of my feeders over the years have encouraged me to come out of the closet as a cocksucker, and change my sex life into being a full-time exlusive cocksucker.

For years I have dreamed of giving myself over completely to being a full-time out of the closet cocksucker. After fighting against the thought of being a male cocksucker for many years, I decided to stop lying to myself, and fully accept and embrace being a cocksucker. I now feel an enormous sense of pride and love in being a male cocksucker. Now that I have fully embraced the fact that I’m a cocksucker, I have often wondered about being a cocksucker slut permanently and exclusively. Many men have told me that I’m truly a natural born cocksucker, because giving men blowjobs is really all that I’m interested in sexually nowadays. If I came out of the closet and left my wife, I would love to enter into a relationship with a man with a nice cock and great personality, and become his full-time cocksucker slave. So what I want to know is if anyone here has taken that huge step in their life as a cocksucker? If you have taken that huge step, then do you have any good advice about becoming a fully exclusive cocksucker?

Nov 28, 2018, 7:21 PM
would u really consider being a cocksucker that much more important than ur wife, u would leave her & give her up just for that?

Nov 28, 2018, 7:49 PM
Finding someone who you could be a full time cock sucker for? Good luck with that pursuit. LOL Might have been wiser to find what you're looking for (rare as it is) before dumping your entire former life.

Nov 29, 2018, 8:03 PM
If your marriage is loveless & sexless, you or your wife should abandon it unless you have kids who could be hurt by a divorce. If being a cock & cum loving male whore is what you want, there are thousands upon thousands of bi men out there (mostly married ones) who'd love to get their cocks sucked regularly by an eager cocksucker. But finding a married or divorced man who can host is next to impossible. My suggestion would be to seek 3-5 men of which 1 or more of them can get free to feed you their dicks once or more a month. Unless you meet an unattached gay man who can host you regularly to get his dick sucked, regular & fulltime cocksucking is probably not going to happen unless you go to ABSs, gay bath houses, public parks or gay bars to suck strange dick.

Nov 29, 2018, 10:40 PM
I have been a full-time cocksucker for my present partner for close to 15 years. I did not have a hard time finding a full time partner and have meet other men that I would likely have had a similar relationship with, if I had not already had that taken care of. So, if you like people and can settle for a "good, but, less than perfect person", you can be a full time cocksucker. However, I have never been married and can host any time. Also, at age 70, full-time is not sex every day. I have a full=time job and other projects that limit my time for sex. When, I retire, I may spend more time being a cocksucker. Like you, I feel pride in being a good cocksucker. I also enjoy having my cock sucked very much.

Dec 1, 2018, 4:59 PM
I have been a full-time cocksucker for my present partner for close to 15 years. I did not have a hard time finding a full time partner and have meet other men that I would likely have had a similar relationship with, if I had not already had that taken care of. So, if you like people and can settle for a "good, but, less than perfect person", you can be a full time cocksucker. However, I have never been married and can host any time. Also, at age 70, full-time is not sex every day. I have a full=time job and other projects that limit my time for sex. When, I retire, I may spend more time being a cocksucker. Like you, I feel pride in being a good cocksucker. I also enjoy having my cock sucked very much.
if we were a little closer I’d love to meet you.

Dec 2, 2018, 12:16 AM
if we were a little closer I’d love to meet you.

Thank you for considering me to be such a worthwhile person.

Dec 2, 2018, 5:20 AM
I would talk to your wife and tell her how you feel. I told mine many years ago and she started helping me find cock to please. She sometimes likes to watch and even sends guys she works with to me once in awhile. I suck a lot of cock but would never give up my wife or family when there is no need. Talk to your wife.

Dec 5, 2018, 4:01 PM
Practice, practice, practice!

Dec 5, 2018, 10:22 PM
Practice, practice, practice!


Blowjob & Billie
Dec 6, 2018, 5:33 AM
I started sucking dick while in High School and have continued to this day. I met my wife several years ago and she enjoys sucking as well, however not to the same extent as I do. I have always been open about being a cocksucker and yet we still have a great marriage. There are many more like us out there, although they may not be as open.


Dec 6, 2018, 7:01 PM
I have some very special playmates of which 3 are married and open about it to the wives and total cum craving cocksuckers (their description) and two are in the closet but anyone of them is such that when they are sucking my cock I can tell it is what they really truely love they do not suck me to get my load of cum to gulp down they make love to my big hard cock and when they finally get the load that they want they keep kissing ,licking , and sucking on it and my balls ........ So go for it whole heartedly go for it whether you tell your wife of your need ,your desire only you know her best

Dec 20, 2018, 11:43 PM
Can't advise you regarding your marriage. Hopefully, you have enough trust in each other to confide in her.

As for full-time cocksucking, I can speak to that. I have been sucking cock virtually exclusively for about 6 years now. Ever since I finally accepted that I was Bi. Not looking back - and I doubt I ever will. I have more fun now than I ever did before. However, I could never just have one cock to suck. I have a whole group of regulars, who find new cocks for me very often. I'd highly recommend sucking as many as you can, until you find what works for you. Monogamy isn't it for me, though.

Mar 17, 2019, 12:38 PM
I was totally straight until I was fifty. I'm 65 now, and am a confirmed cock sucker. I'm proud to say I have sucked over 200 men, most of them multiple times over the years. Quite a few of them have fucked me, too.
It's only in the past few years I started identifying as a cock sucker and anal slut. I'm not ashamed of what I do, and am very open to men that I will suck their cock or let them fuck me.
Embrace who and what you are.

Mar 17, 2019, 2:29 PM
Best way is to just get out there and suck all the dicks you can or want to. Bypass those guys who wanna fuck and only deal with those who'd be happy to have you draining their balls. How you handle your relationship is up to you; I know a lot of guys, including myself, who are bona fide cock suckers only but leaving the wife isn't an option or even a consideration.

Mar 17, 2019, 5:17 PM
Yes...I've often said I'd suck every day if I could...when Craigslist\ was active here, I'd frequently suck 3-5 a week....if I had some regulars (close by) I'd suck and swallow everyday...I love sucking and cum that much...have sucked over 50+ guys last few years and swallowed well over 100 loads...so good.... but hard to find regulars now with no CL....so no cocks in 2019 yet...but when I do find some, you can be sure it will be guys who want to dump a load every day for me...cock sucking is the best

Mar 17, 2019, 11:06 PM
Closest I ever came to it was right after college. I had a really good friend with benefits. I’m pretty sure I sucked his dick every day for at least 5 months. He was delicious, and his cum was honestly the best I ever had. I’m married now, and he moved across country years ago, but I’d suck his dick full time if I could. Don’t think I could just blow random guys though.

Mar 23, 2019, 5:38 PM
This thread makes me want to suck a cock

Aug 22, 2023, 2:37 PM
I used to fuck lots of women, but am now a confirmed full time cock sucker. I'm very well known as a cock sucker in the area and beyond. I would be willing to bet I have had more cocks in my mouth than any other man or woman in the area

Aug 22, 2023, 4:31 PM
Becoming a cocksucker is a huge step all by itself. I grew up sucking dick, but a lot of men don't even think about it until they're well into their adult years and now, not only is becoming a cocksucker a huge step, what to do next is an even bigger step and especially for men in a relationship. I get the exclusivity thing and getting to this is another huge step. The question is... what do you want to do? Next is how are you gonna be able to do it? Next is what changes have to be made so you can do it, exclusively or otherwise? Can those changes be enacted? Is she going to be onboard with it? Be "all into it" with you or she doesn't want to know a damned thing about what you're doing?

Lots of shit - and pretty big steps - involved if you want to be an exclusive cocksucker.

Aug 23, 2023, 12:06 PM
I love sex with women waaaaay to much to be exclusively into men. To Extend (or repeat?) what says KD says, there are so many variables to going exclusively to cock sucking (as fun as that is) , there isn't a simple answer that fits all.

Aug 23, 2023, 1:34 PM
I believe it's possible to be an exclusive cocksucker and still love the fuck out of women; I believe when he says "exclusive," he means that all he wants to do with men is suck their dicks and, probably like most of us, if he can find some guys who are willing to make him their one-stop shop for getting sucked off, so much the better. You can tell yourself that all you want to do is suck dick - but you still have to make it happen; in a relationship, some rules have to established and agreed to and you gotta get the little lady on board and with a lot of assurances and if she allows you to do this, what is she getting in return... because you don't get something for nothing. It's not impossible but there's some work that has to be done.

Aug 23, 2023, 1:38 PM
Cocksucking is how I get my sex now. But from both sides. If forced to choose, I might choose to forgo BJs for an adequate number of cocksucking options. But as is, I don;t have the ability to be a full timer. You really would need to be able to host in a convenient, high density area.

I am still looking for a reliable hosting cocksucker nearby that is not weird. Most of the guys seem to be wacky or moody and sullen, like they hate that they can't stop sucking.

Aug 23, 2023, 4:27 PM
I am still looking for a reliable hosting cocksucker nearby that is not weird. Most of the guys seem to be wacky or moody and sullen, like they hate that they can't stop sucking.

If only we were closer! I know what you mean. Most of the leads I get are what you describe. I do have one buddy and we have great sex together. He's the one I talked about in another thread where we are considering exclusivity as far as MM sex so we can go bareback.

Aug 23, 2023, 5:12 PM
Jozyxt said, "I am still looking for a reliable hosting cocksucker nearby that is not weird. Most of the guys seem to be wacky or moody and sullen, like they hate that they can't stop sucking."

Yeah, I've run into those guys; they don't want to, but they want to because they found out how fucking addictive it is. I've talked to guys who won't take the plunge because they're afraid that they're going to like it. Such guys can be difficult to get into an agreement with and ditto for guys who hate the fact that they like a guy sucking them off. You have to... interview guys both verbally and orally if you can because you never know if the guy is going to be "perfect" for what you need unless you blow him because guys can say one thing but do another...

Mar 8, 2024, 8:41 AM
I accept the fact I am a cock sucker.
This is me, Ric Carter, from Somers, Montana