View Full Version : I did it. I BOTCHED it, but I did it.

Aug 18, 2006, 10:16 PM
Last weekend we went up to Atlanta because I was going to kill someone if I didn't get a "back to civilization" break. While we were up there, we met up with a very close friend of ours who had no idea that I'm Bi.

I was tired of feeling like I was keeping secrets from her, so partway though the conversation I told her that there was something that I needed to tell her and that 18 months ago i discovered something about myself. I'm bisexual.

Well, I guess I must have gone about it VERY badly because after I told her she said "That's IT? My God, I thought you were dying!"

Poor woman...I scared the hell out of her. We already have a mutual friend who has terminal cancer and all she could think was "First her now Maria".

I think next time I'll actually reherse what I'm going to say and remember to mention that there's nothing wrong and I'm fine. Ugh!

In the end though she didn't really care. As long as my husband was good with it, in her mind that was all that matters.

Check this out though: She said she felt the same way I did about women as artwork at one time but could never get past the idea of eating pussy :bigrin:

Aug 18, 2006, 11:09 PM
ever watch coming out stories on logo? you can watch outher people botch it and learn from there mistakes. I like taht show but it almost always seems like the person beeing told allready knows.

Aug 19, 2006, 7:04 AM
We don't get Logo in our little backwater corner of the world :( I guess that's one more reason to switch over to satellite from cable.

As far as her knowing already...she had NO clue. She told me she had other friends come out to her as gay and it was already obvious that was the case with them. But with me, she had no idea :-)

Aug 19, 2006, 7:55 AM
Congrats! I think most people make this mistake the first time. If YOU make a huge deal out of it, I think the more likely the other person is going to also.

So did you get a million questions about your sex life afterward?

Aug 19, 2006, 7:59 AM
TITTIES!!! ...erm I mean breasts. :)

No matter my mood, all my wife has to do is shake em a little and I get the goofiest smile.

Aug 19, 2006, 12:30 PM
Congratulations!! :)

Aug 19, 2006, 1:37 PM
Hmm. Looks like I started to early this morning. This was meant for another post. LOL

TITTIES!!! ...erm I mean breasts. :)

No matter my mood, all my wife has to do is shake em a little and I get the goofiest smile.

Aug 19, 2006, 1:45 PM
Congrats Herbwoman :-)

Now to work up my courage to tell my crush of 17 years I have a crush on her lol *thinks* Well, I already hinted to her through text message last night thats a BIG hint... but at the same time it could mean "anyone".... so if she thinks it was her and didn't like it, I could easily say its someone else!! :-)
Plus it doesn't come off as strong which I don't want right now :-)

Now to just wait for a reply.......


Aug 19, 2006, 5:54 PM
So did you get a million questions about your sex life afterward?

Oh no. She isn't like that. She's a very conservative southern girl who believes that "things like that should stay in the bedroom". I still think it's pretty funny that she says she looks at women as art the way I used to when I was in denial. She told me she could just never get past going down on another woman :-)

It just confirms for me that so many people out there are sexually fluid. They just allow society to dictate who they sleep with.

Aug 21, 2006, 10:31 PM
So Herbwoman....how do you feel now?

Regardless of the botching (which I don't think you did, by the way), am interested to know how your thoughts were afterwards?

So many people in here post about coming-out stories, laced with the fears and anxiety of the process.
Would you be willing to share how you felt after?
(I think really great friends accept us exactly how we are)