View Full Version : Bisexual Identity Survey
Nov 5, 2014, 10:45 PM
I found this survey for Bisexuality
Nov 6, 2014, 11:40 AM
Yeah, I took it. Interesting, but I don't think it takes into account many of the people who are in relationships when they accepted their bisexuality. Growing up, you learned that looking at another guy could get you beaten or killed. You learned to suppress that. So for many guys it was latent as they carried on a relatively hetero life, while stealing the occasional glance at another guys package. With Gay Rights making inroads into people's concsiouness, guys are seeing that hey, it might be okay, but now they are locked into a monogamous relationship and can no longer act on those feelings. You don't leave an otherwise great relationship simply because there is no longer sex.
Nov 6, 2014, 5:03 PM
I think it's funny they have all of these other useless terms for bisexual.
The option for asexual would not apply for someone who is bisexual since asexuals are not sexually attracted to anyone. Gay/homosexual people are not bisexual either.
How do you describe your sexual orientation? (Please check all that apply)
Gay or homosexual
Questioning, or not sure
Straight or heterosexual
You don’t have an option that applies to me. I identify as (please specify)
This question made me laugh:
Do you identify as (Please check all that apply)
A person in an open relationship or open marriage
A swinger
A barebacker
None of the above
Something else related to my relationships or sexuality. (please specify):
The questions about condoms were also amusing:
The following questions ask about your perception of condom use.
A negative aspect of condoms is that they... Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1. Are time consuming to put on and take off.
2. May result in a person having a lack of trust in a partner who insists on using one.
3. Are difficult to dispose of.
4. Decrease sensitivity.
5. Are inconvenient.
A negative aspect of condoms is that they... Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
6. Reduce the spontaneity of sex
7. Don’t fit properly.
8. Are embarrassing to purchase.
9. May result in the break up of a relationship because of the pressure to use one.
10. Do not include clear instructions about how to use them properly.
A negative aspect of condoms is that they... Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
11. Are difficult to use properly.
12. Are embarrassing to put on.
13. Are physically uncomfortable.
14. May result in a person having a lack of trust in a partner who refuses to use one.
15. Make sex feel different.
Ready to submit this screen.