Jul 13, 2006, 1:42 PM
I posted the following on the GLBT A global View thread:
"At the risk of offending alot of people I am really not into this whole gay rights thing. Why?
First off what gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexuals want (or should want) are the basic human rights that are afforded all other people i.e. straight people or closeted bi's or gays which leads to:
second of all: Most staight people simply do not understand and when they hear "gay rights" the general impluse is to think that something special is being demanded and that is far from the truth, SO in this context anti-gay activitists use that ignorance as a dividing wedge. They have made gay marriage such a devisive issue that it would simply be wise to drop the whole thing and to focus on partners rights. When phrased in this context most straights see no problem with it...marriage can come later. Trouble is the so-called gay leadership is so full of itself and so insistant on the world accepting them as gay that they have become their own worst enemies and hurt their (our) cause more than they help.
What we should be stressing is our normalicy and going out of our way not to alienate the very people we need because everytime we do, we play right into our enemies hands".
I fully expected to be chastised for my opinion (though that was not the reason I posted it) but to my surprise I found a couple anyway who agreed with me:
To be honest--I don't care much about gay rights or black rights or such-I care about human rights and hold to the dictum that "rights denied to the one or the few are rights denied to all..."
Precisely, couldn't have put it better.
Which makes me wonder...from a bisexuals prespective what are "your" views on the so-called "gay" rights issue?
"At the risk of offending alot of people I am really not into this whole gay rights thing. Why?
First off what gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexuals want (or should want) are the basic human rights that are afforded all other people i.e. straight people or closeted bi's or gays which leads to:
second of all: Most staight people simply do not understand and when they hear "gay rights" the general impluse is to think that something special is being demanded and that is far from the truth, SO in this context anti-gay activitists use that ignorance as a dividing wedge. They have made gay marriage such a devisive issue that it would simply be wise to drop the whole thing and to focus on partners rights. When phrased in this context most straights see no problem with it...marriage can come later. Trouble is the so-called gay leadership is so full of itself and so insistant on the world accepting them as gay that they have become their own worst enemies and hurt their (our) cause more than they help.
What we should be stressing is our normalicy and going out of our way not to alienate the very people we need because everytime we do, we play right into our enemies hands".
I fully expected to be chastised for my opinion (though that was not the reason I posted it) but to my surprise I found a couple anyway who agreed with me:
To be honest--I don't care much about gay rights or black rights or such-I care about human rights and hold to the dictum that "rights denied to the one or the few are rights denied to all..."
Precisely, couldn't have put it better.
Which makes me wonder...from a bisexuals prespective what are "your" views on the so-called "gay" rights issue?