View Full Version : I got unlucky: Attempted humourous aside

May 29, 2012, 10:36 PM
*Friday night of my Memorial Day weekend, my AC died. *That would be fine if it was not before a weekend in the 90's. *No problem. *I have a window unit I can put in the bedroom. *Saturday night, the man who feeds me and now breeds me comes over. *Sunday, nothing special. *Except for the fact I am sweeting like crazy. *Monday, I post the "Will I Get Lucky" or maybe it was can. *It got deleted by THE MAN. *I wish I did get lucky, because my Tuesday didn't. *Cost of AC repair was $800. *"Just do it." *But it gets better.

Went to the bank and next the Xpressmart. *Insert key and turn. *Lights come on. *Nothing. *Loaded-up and walked home three miles. *The good thing was that the home AC worked as I pealed a sweaty undershirt and dress shirt off. *I'll deal with the car and ride to work tomorrow.

Sure, this isn't that bi-sexual, but we all have days. *At least I got layed Saturday.