View Full Version : Video of a Guy With Two Dicks

Sep 5, 2011, 8:55 PM
I saw a video...back in the late 70s of a guy with two dicks. Anybody know where I could find it again?

Also, I assume this is really rare and even rarer for both to function...and at the same time.

Any comments?

Long Duck Dong
Sep 5, 2011, 10:10 PM
something like this ???

man with two penises (http://www.redtube.com/21292)

Sep 6, 2011, 4:27 AM
Not convinced LDD.

One above the other is theoretically possible from an error of duplication but extremely rare if it exists at all.

The one above the other condition fully formed is a film makers fantasy. 'Hermaphrodites' in this configuration are equally unlikely. The internal plumbing would be difficult to sustain in either.

The bifid condition (divided into two laterally) is more likely and well recorded. There is a clip of a person with a bifid penis out there, each with its own functioning urethra, but as far as I remember a single set of functioning testes (a father). The suggestion is that it is a bit like a cleft palate - an incomplete assembly which then tries to mend itself during the embryological phase.

From memory, bifid penises are reported in Marsupials - why?

Long Duck Dong
Sep 6, 2011, 4:35 AM
diphallia I think its called, is the presence of two penises ....

having working at a pig farm, its something I have seen, tho the rates of dual genitalia were higher......

there is one case of a pakistani male that was medically documented and studied as he had lateral diphallia, one penis on top of the other, but that was about 12-14 years ago, and I can find no record of it on the net, tho it was featured in a medical journal

Sep 6, 2011, 6:55 AM
yeah i saw the same video. but i can not remember the name of it. yes the man does have two penis's and they both do work. the girl that he was with took on both of them cocks and they did borh shoot there load.

Sep 6, 2011, 7:52 AM
well, i have never seen a male/female hermorphodite in person but when i was a kid, on our farm, my dad bought a goat that was odd. we noticed that sometimes the goat would stretch and urinate as a male goat and then other times would squat and urinate like a female goat. well, my dad caught the goat and look up close at this oddity. the goat was equipped with both male and female genitals. first and last time i ever seen anything like this up close and personal. i have seen pics and videos of males and females hermorphodites but i still want to see one up close and personal or even have sex with one!!

Long Duck Dong
Sep 6, 2011, 9:30 AM
real man with two dicks vid (http://www.tube8.com/hardcore/two-dicks/11042/)

this one is not possible to fake, cos it shows clearly the two penises

Sep 6, 2011, 10:23 AM
I don't know...still not convinced.

It's a hell of a fantasy, though.

Sep 6, 2011, 10:42 AM
things of this nature are intetesting to me. i didnt see the video but it sounds fantastic. im curous as to if there is female with two pussies he could got together with. or if he ever had one penis in a girls pussy and the other penis in her butt. i would venture to say that there is more than one girl that would like to have sex with him and have him cum in her pussy and ass at the same time. that would probably feel realy good to her.

Sep 6, 2011, 7:00 PM
Has anyone ever noticed when they say "Hermaphrodites " and the socalled man with two dicks that the pubic hair is about as real as a 3dollar bill and have a look at the nutsack on the guy on the second vid.....best piece of latex work I have seen in along time, even tho the colour dont match :cutelaugh. But I suppose they gotta make their money somehow.
just my :2cents:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Sep 7, 2011, 3:26 AM
We have to remember that the vids are porn.. and ya get some rite fakery in porn so treat wiv a healthy dose of scepticism.. but having said that.. it is a recognised condition which although extremely rare does happen.. a bit like having extra digits I spose or 3 nips.. fake or real all I can say is.. no ta... 1 wud b too much for me tyvm..:eek:;)

Sep 7, 2011, 9:45 PM
Nope, dont believe it either.:)

Sep 7, 2011, 10:22 PM
While I may have the extra nips I don't believe it either. If they are on a porn site then they should be even more common in the medical world as I would think most would be ashamed of having two and think about how many would not be equal looking. Brother in-law had a 6th finger (they "corrected" after birth) and the figure right next to doesn't look like a normal finger, much smaller.

Sep 7, 2011, 10:54 PM
From a healthcare perspective, a man with two penises is something that does happen. It's a birth defect and normally corrected as close to birth as possible if parents allow. It is possible in some other less advanced countries that it might not have been corrected. It is also possible it was a surgical modification. Whatever the reason, the argument about whether they are real or not has nothing to do with the fact it was in a porn video. Porn is made so people can watch it, if it turns you on, it worked, if it doesn't then it didn't. But arguing over whether something in a porn video is real or fake is actually kinda stupid when you think about it. The only time you'll see any porn vid that is "real" is on someone's accidentally uploaded home movie. Otherwise it's all staged and therefore "fake"

Sep 8, 2011, 2:25 PM
Hollywood makeup techniques can put a dick anywhere on anyone and make it look real. Look what these techniques did in movies like Planet of the Apes and Star Wars.

drugstore cowboy
Sep 8, 2011, 5:12 PM
I've seen pictures and videos of this.

The man surgically splits his penis head and shaft and most men who have this done or mutilate their genitals and do this are not born with two penises and it's just voluntary mutilation on their part.

Yes there are some very rare men who have been born with two penises but this is a very rare condition and I've read that they don't always both work.

Sep 8, 2011, 6:28 PM
In regards to the video LDD provided the link to:

I am sure with something like this---you eventually statistically would have to have such a genetic abnormality come up at rare times in the population--if that vid is really true--it is something that both cocks "work"--it usually does figure that when people have parts of two heads, extra arms and other appendages--the extra ones are non-functioning and are sort of abortive attempts of the body to creating them. Such extra body parts are usually removed via surgeries if at all possible.

If that was for real--that girl he was doing had to feel good!!!

Sep 9, 2011, 7:52 AM
This can be found on Xnxx.com

Sep 9, 2011, 12:05 PM
I would just be happy to have one full size dick :(