View Full Version : Mummy knows best

Apr 19, 2011, 4:37 AM
Now here is a novel idea from Hungary aimed at advancing the democratic process. Mummies to get 2 votes.... what fun.


Does this mean that were I Hungarian, that being a mum, I would get an extra vote? And that Kate would also get an extra vote? Does it mean that if I was that this is an acceptable discrimination practice against heterosexual fathers, single men and women? Is the vote cast meant to represent the views of the children? And what if the children disagree with mummy? Or each other. It is only one extra vote after all. Since mummy has the extra vote, even if is intended to represent the place of children in our society, can we truly say that the principle of one person one vote is being maintained? can it be called democratic? Children do have no say in our society I accept, but they have a stake in it... they are our future. Can we say that giving mummy and extra vote provides them with a say in the society in which they have a stake? If it is not meant to represent vote for the children, then what of the millions of women in the country who are not mums? Is it not discriminatory against them?

Hungary is not one of the EU's shining examples of tolerance. Better than it was not so long ago but still a far from perfect society. The new government of Hungary are really chancing their arm here and I hope for this idea they get their metaphorical balls ripped off... this is a cynical attempt by a right wing government to weigh the electoral system against other parties but giving a privilege to large numbers of people who they see as being a major part of its support base. Stupid, undemocratic and I hope something which never comes to pass... I hope that the discriminatory nature of the proposed legislation is found to be unconstitutional, but failing that, I am quite sure that being a part of the European Union, in time cases will be brought to expose, discredit and make illegal this kind of leg up for any party which seeks advantage by increasing the franchise for a single group of people.

Mummy knows best? Sometimes.. I just hope Daddies, single men and women, and yes, even the children have a lot to say before this ever comes before the Hungarian legislature.